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Lost People

Children who have become separated from their parents are brought to the Guest Services office, where they will have a quiet place to wait. We act quickly to find lost children and reunite them with their parents. Children who become separated from their parents should go to a uniformed Fair employee, or Fair ambassador.

Parents are encouraged to use their mobile phone to take a photo of their child on arrival. Should you become separated, a photo will help our Safety and Security Team to quickly find the child.

Wear a "People Find" bracelet:
  • We recommend that children, and adults who would find it useful, to wear a "People Find" bracelet, which is available at the Information Booths and in Guest Services.
  • Write a mobile phone number (but not the child's name) on the inside of the wristband, where it is accessible to Fair personnel but not to the public. These wristbands may be worn by anyone of any age who is unable to remember a phone number.
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