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Accommodations for Guests with Disabilities

Reasonable accommodation for most services can be provided with at least 72 hours of notice. Please allow at least two weeks’ notice for American Sign Language interpreter service. If additional assistance is needed, please contact the Fair's ADA Coordinator.


Amy Billburg
(858) 792-4217

All messages will be returned within 72 hours. If immediate assistance is needed, please call our 24-hour dispatch number (858) 792-4271. Dispatch will be able to contact staff members who will be able to assist.

Companions for Guests with Disabilities

Assistants/Companions helping Individuals with disabilities must have their own admission ticket to the Fair. While courtesy passes have been offered at no charge in the past, they are no longer provided and are not required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. ADA requires individuals with a disability to be offered the same amenities as all other patrons.

Grandstand Concert Access for Guests with Disabilities

Grandstand concert seating policies:
  • Early line-up and admission is provided for people needing assistance.
  • People requesting assistance should arrive two hours prior to the concert at the third floor of the Grandstand. Wait in the foyer to be seated inside the Grandstand.
  • The person with a disability will be allowed early access with four companions. All people attending concerts must have a ticket to enter the Grandstand; Grandstand shows are not included with Fair admission.
NOTE: On July 4, one companion will be allowed to accompany the disabled patron into ADA seating. Saving more than two seats is prohibited.

Grandstand seating questions can be answered at the Box Office at (858) 792-4252. The ADA Coordinator, her staff and/or Fair Ambassadors will be present for any assistance that may be needed.

Ride Accomidations for Guests with Disabilities

Insurance requires all individuals on a ride to pay. ADA law does not require that the Fair allow free admission on rides for individuals assisting a person with a disability.

Individuals with a disability may ride on any ride when they meet the following criteria:
  • If they can board in a manner that the ride requires without the help of the operator or other Fair patron; and
  • If they meet the requirements set forth by the manufacturer of the ride.
All guests who wear orthopedic casts, body casts, plaster casts, or surgical casts are required to sign a waiver for rides. Guests younger than 18 years of age must have an adult present to sign the waiver. Waivers may be obtained in Guest Services.


The Fair's restrooms have stalls for people with disabilities, as well as changing tables.

A private restroom large enough for a wheelchair plus a caregiver is available in Guest Services (East Grandstand, First Floor).

Guest Services has a quiet room for nursing mothers, parents of infants, or families with special needs. The room is equipped with a highchair, changing table, and related amenities.

Learn more about the Quiet Room and Sensory Station in partnership with KultureCity.

Learn More

Service Animals

Service dogs are welcome at the Fair, but "comfort animals" do not qualify under the ADA guidelines from the Department of Justice and will not be allowed into the Fair.

At the Fair, the pavement can be 15-20 degrees warmer than the temperature of the air, so we recommend you use shoes on your dog. If your dog needs to cool off, our Guest Services office is air conditioned, and you are welcome to make a short visit.

Dog Relief areas are designated with signs in four locations; and these are the only designated areas for relieving your dog. Please clean up after your dog.
  • West of Bing Crosby Hall, between Bing Crosby Hall and Seaside Pavilion
  • Paddock area, underneath the Grandstand ("Horse Walk") in the bark area
  • Family Funville north of the tunnel leading to the Fun Zone
  • Southeast of the Livestock Barn

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