Presentation Requirements
Drafting and Architectural entries must be printed/mounted on bond/foam core no larger than D size (24” x 36”) unless otherwise noted. If multiple sheets are required, edge-bind and/or staple on the top edge of the set. Provide a short narrative with scope of work on the first page of the project.
Judging Criteria: General Appearance, Complexity, Layout, Scale, Line Weight/ Function, Accuracy, and Narrative.
Class 001 Technical Drafting
CAD orthographic and pictorial drawings to detail and provide all information required to produce and assemble the object. Include schematic hydraulics, piping layouts, electronic circuits, etc., as applicable. Sheet metal drawings to include flat pattern layout with pictorial model.
Class 002 Technical Illustration
CAD drawings to fully describe an object or process to an uninformed audience. Include a picture or photograph of the object illustrated.
Presentation Requirements
Deliver all garments on hangers. Please no mannequins or dress forms. Garments should be durable enough to withstand handling by exhibit workers. Illustrations, textiles, and patterns must be mounted on mat board or foam-core no larger than 16” x 20”. Entries must include a write-up that explains the overall concept of the design and target market.
Judging Criteria: Design Concept, Originality, Functionality, Craftsmanship, Appearance, Visual Impact, Color Palette, Fabrics, and Write-up.
Class 001 Fashion Design
Completed, originally designed and constructed showing innovation in silhouette, construction, and/or fabric.
Class 002 Costume Design
Completed, originally designed and constructed garments for specific character or performance (may incorporate Fair Theme).
Class 003 Creative Reuse/Unconventional Materials Design
Completed, originally designed garment constructed of at least 80% upcycled, repurposed materials, or unconventional materials.
Class 001 Fashion Illustration
Judging Criteria: Originality, Artistic Merit, Accurate Proportions, Design Elements, and Write-up.
Drawings, sketches, and/or rendering of originally designed garments or footwear innovation in shape, construction, and/or materials.
Judging Criteria: Composition, Impact, Creativity, and Appearance.
Presentation Requirements
Artwork must be freestanding or hangable as described below and be constructed to withstand handling by exhibit workers.
Maximum size is 24” x 36” (2-D pieces) or 36” on the largest side (3-D pieces), including matting and/or stand.
Canvases will be hung using Velcro tabs that will be affixed by exhibit workers- no wire needed.
No frames, plexiglass, or glass.
Mobiles, stained glass, masks, and other 3-D hanging artwork must be equipped with secure hanging point(s). Provide a stand if required for display.
Class 001 Ink (Brush, Pen, or Marker)
Class 002 Pastel (Oil or Chalk)
Class 003 Pencil or Charcoal
Class 004 Colored Pencil
Class 005 Acrylic or Tempura Paint
Class 006 Oil Paint
Class 007 Watercolor
Class 008 Collage
Class 009 Printmaking
Class 010 Mixed Media or Other Medium(s) not listed
Class 001 Ceramic, Thrown
Class 002 Ceramic, Other Than Thrown
Class 003 Masks
Class 004 Sculpture
Class 005 Glass
Class 006 Mosaic Tile
Class 007 Fiber Arts
Class 008 Mixed Media, including upcycled and unconventional materials
Projects made from assembly kits are not eligible and component parts should be made by the student whenever reasonably possible. Purchased component parts other than hardware items must be identified. Projects constructed with a combination of materials should be entered in the division that represents the project’s emphasis.
Judging Criteria: Difficulty, Design, Construction/ Finish/ Craftsmanship, Appearance, and Function.
Presentation Requirements
Mount small parts on a panel to facilitate handling and showing.
Provide a stand if required for display.
Class 001 General Metalwork
Finished metal projects from a variety of materials such as art metal, flat stock sheet metal, casting (mold must be student-made pattern), and processes such as filing, sawing, riveting, forming, soldering, and bending.
Class 002 Welding Processes/ Machine Work
Finished metal projects fabricated by a welding or cutting process. Machine work may include conventional or CNC/ CAM lathe, mill, grinding, punching, etc.
Class 001 Small Woodworking Projects
Clocks, boxes, lamps, and decorative items.
Class 002 Wood Cabinetry Projects
Furniture pieces that include drawers, doors, or folding mechanisms such as dressers, chests, curio cabinets, or cupboards.
Class 003 Wood Furniture Projects
Furniture pieces that include legs, leaves, or folding mechanisms such as tables, desks, or chairs.
Class 004 Musical Instruments
Wooden musical instruments, including guitars, banjos, flutes, and percussion instruments.
Class 005 Toys
Wood toys with moving parts.
Class 006 Green Projects
Projects made from recycled or repurposed wood materials.
Class 007 Turned Wood Projects
Wood items made using a lathe.
Class 008 Scrolled Projects
Wood projects created using a scroll saw, including letters and signage.
Class 001 Maker Labs
Innovative projects created with 3-D printing techniques, CNC metal or plastic machining, electronics, and creative technical crafting projects.
Judging Criteria: Artistic Merit, Innovation, Content, Impact, Layout/Composition, Typography, and Image Texture.
Presentation Requirements
Mount artwork on mat board or foam-core of maximum size described under each class. Mat board or foam-core may be repurposed. Mount projects with multiple elements on (1) board not to exceed the maximum size for that class, as shown in the diagram.
Class 001 Posters
Entries may range from literal storytelling to metaphorical imagery or abstractions to fit the poster medium.
Maximum size 24” x 36” including mat board.
Class 002 Typography
Logos, letter marks, graphic presentations, where type is used as the main graphic element in the design.
Maximum size 16” x 20” including mat board.
Class 003 Digital Painting & Illustration
Creative use of digital imaging applications, such as Photoshop or similar programs, to develop artistic interpretations of imagery. Images must be generated with graphic techniques, not with photography.
Maximum size 16” x 20” including mat board.
Class 004 Image Collage
Assemblage, collage, or montage of images to take on new objectives or meaning for the content.
Maximum size 16” x 20” including mat board.
All entries in Literary Publications are assumed to be group entries.
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By entering your publication in the San Diego County Fair, you acknowledge that it will be on public display, and that you have confirmed that all minors whose likenesses appear within have received guardian authorization to have those likenesses used in a public setting.
Presentation Requirements
Yearbooks & Periodicals: One (1) copy of publication from the current school year
Newspapers: Two (2) copies of publication from current school year
Online Newspaper entries must include an 8.5” x 11” screenshot of the home page mounted on 11” x 14” mat board.
Judging Criteria: Content and Coverage, Structure and Design, Writing and Editing.
Class 001 Schools publishing fewer than 300 books
Class 002 Schools publishing 300 to 500 books
Class 003 Schools publishing more than 500 books
Judging Criteria: Quality of Writing and/or Artwork, Layout, Design, and Organization.
Class 001 Soft- or Hard-Cover Bound Periodicals
Magazines, journals, anthologies, song books, poetry books, and other collections of literary forms.
Judging Criteria: Story Quality, Content, Coverage, Layout & Design.
Class 001 Printed Newspaper
Class 002 Online Newspaper
Judging Criteria: Composition, Impact, Technical Quality, and Appearance.
Presentation Requirements
Prints may be a traditional photographic print or a high-quality digital print. Commercial processing accepted.
All prints must be mounted on mat board or foam-core that is exactly 16” x 20”. Mat board must be presented in the vertical orientation only, though the print may be mounted in portrait or landscape orientation as shown in the diagrams.
Mat board or foam-core may be repurposed.
Mounted artwork must be securely adhered to mount board, foam core, or other backing board. Metal, acrylic, canvas, or other substrates, or frames are not allowed.
Single window matting is allowed. Double or multiple mats are not allowed.
All mats and mount boards must be BLACK or PURE WHITE. Ivory, cream, or colored mats or mount boards are not allowed. The mat may have a black outside and white core, or a white outside with a black core.
Consider your substrate and mounting materials as Velcro or clips may be attached to the mounting substrate for display.
Please see "Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Rules" for acceptable photo manipulation techniques.
Class 001 People (Formal and Informal), Color or Black & White
Any approach which shows the personality and likeness as well as the mood of the subject. These include candid, formal, couple, small group, or others.
Class 002 Animals, Color or Black & White
The main subject is a domestic animal, pet, wild animal, or insect.
Class 003 Nature, Color or Black & White
Includes plants, flowers and minerals.
Class 004Landscapes, Color or Black & White
Includes landscapes, seascapes, waterfalls, etc.
Class 005 Cityscapes, Color or Black & White
Includes skylines, buildings and architecture.
Class 006 Action, Color or Black & White
Shows the creative use of camera shutter speed to stop the action, pan the subject, or to blur the scene.
Class 007 Macro/Micro, Color or Black & White
The use of special lenses, filters, or techniques to take extreme close-up images.
Class 008 Night Scenes, Color or Black & White
Low-light images of night skies, astrophotography, and images from dawn/dusk.
Class 009 Machines, Color or Black & White
Trains, planes, automobiles, farm equipment, and industrial machinery; may include people.
Class 010 Aerial/Drone Photography, color or Black & White
Photos that show a unique point of view.
Class 001 Digital Manipulation of a Photograph
Creative use of digital imaging applications, such as Photoshop or similar programs, to develop artistic interpretations of imagery. This could include creative photographic techniques like posterization, solarization, bas relief, etc.
Class 002 Digital Photo Composite Image
Digital combining of images to increase the visual impact or overall quality of the composition. Assemblage, collage, or montage of photographic images to take on new objectives or meaning, while improving or increasing the interest of the image.
DIVISION 4706: PHOTOGRAPHY, DIGITAL ONLY - See Division 4701 for Classes
These entries will be uploaded during registration and DO NOT require an entry delivery. Entries will be displayed on a monitor in the exhibit, with the student's name, division, class and placing.
Presentation Requirements
Submit a notebook or binder containing relevant records. Display significant details of the study on one (1) tri-fold presentation board. Provide models, drawings or samples of the proposed product(s), if applicable. Small parts must be mounted to facilitate handling and display.
Judging Criteria: Innovation, Scientific rigor, Impact, Documentation, and Presentation.
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Class 001 Science Project
Develop a project demonstrating the scientific method. Include an abstract, hypothesis (for engineering and computer projects- statement of goals), procedure showing sufficient repetition of test/experiments, results, conclusions, and recommendations.
Class 002 Environmental Science and Sustainability Projects
Create an original design to study or tackle a current environmental concern. Examples include (but are not limited to): Designing systems for water purification or desalination, investigating the impact of microplastics on aquatic ecosystems. developing renewable energy prototypes that use wind or solar, assessing the effectiveness of composting methods on soil health, creating biodegradable alternatives to plastics, developing energy-efficient thermal insulation materials, or designing a more aerodynamically efficient vehicle.
Class 003 Computer Science and Technology Projects
Design new technology to resolve an issue of significance. Examples include (but are not limited to): Programming a drone for precision agriculture or environmental monitoring, designing apps to solve everyday problems such as waste management, analyzing big data for trends in climate change or urban development, or developing AI models for facial recognition or language processing.
Class 004 Other Science and Engineering Projects
Create an original design to resolve an issue of significance. Examples include (but are not limited to): Constructing bridges or towers to test for load-bearing capacity, investigating natural substances for antimicrobial properties, developing wearable technology to monitor vital signs, investigating the efficiency of different catalysts in accelerating chemical reactions, designing a prototype for a Mars habitat, or investigating the properties of materials for use in space.
Presentation Requirements
Entries must include a screen shot mounted on 8.5” x 11” mat board or foam-core in the vertical orientation. Boards may be repurposed.
All screenshots will be displayed in the exhibit. Best of Show winning videos will be played on a continuous loop in the exhibit.
Video content must be in accordance with the UAE laws and must not be offensive to any person, region, or religion. All videos must adhere to PG-13 Rating guidelines.
All videos must be no longer than three (3) minutes.
Judging Criteria: Relevance to Theme, Content, Communication, Strategies, and A/V Quality.
Class 001 Documentary
Nonfictional video intended to document some aspect of reality, primarily for the purpose of instruction or to maintain a historical record.
Class 002 Music Video
Visual support or enhancement of the music (any genre) to capture the viewer’s attention and imagination.
Class 003 News/ Investigative Reporting
One’s own reporting of matters of importance to readers, viewers, or listeners.
Class 004 Public Service Announcement/ Commercial
Inspire people to take action with a persuasive argument. Describe the problem and detail the actions that will bring the desired change.
Class 005 Short Film
A movie that contains elements of comedy, drama, sci-fi, etc.
Class 006 Action Sports
Video shot on handheld or mounted cameras that explore action sports, including underwater. All material must be original and copyright-free.
Class 007 Aerial Production
Video shot from above with the use of aerial drone or other aircraft.
Class 008 Group Production
The subject may be any of the classes listed above.
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Judging Criteria: Presentation, Thematic Harmony, Creativity, and Achievement of Objectives.
Class 001 2-D Animation
Animations that entertain, educate, or are lead-ins. Presentations must be self-running.
Class 002 3-D Animations
Animations that entertain, educate, or are lead-ins. Presentations must be self-running.
Class 003 Motion Graphics
Visual communication presentations that incorporate 2-D, 3-D, vector, or bitmapped images in short openings or closings that include typography and imagery.