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home arts & hobbies


Ever since county fairs began, a blue ribbon for the best cake or the prettiest quilt was a shining achievement. Home Arts & Hobbies is the competitive exhibit where cooks, crafters and collectors can shine!

Our Culinary Arts Competition includes divisions in:
  • Jams & Conserves
  • Soft Spreads
  • Jellies
  • Canned Fruit & Vegetables
  • Pickles
  • Dried Food
  • Cookies
  • Confections
  • Cakes and Cupcakes
  • Pies and Pastries
  • Breads and Rolls
  • Quick Breads

The San Diego County Fair's Home Arts & Hobbies' Culinary Arts Competition invites bakers and makers to showcase their skills and creative talents in a variety of baking and canning techniques, including jellies, jams, preserves, cookies, cakes, pies, pastries, bread and more. This competition provides kitchen enthusiasts with the chance to win cash prizes as well as the unique opportunity to show off their tasty creations to thousands of fair visitors.

Competition Timeline

Adult Preserved Foods

Entry Deadline

Wednesday, April 30, 2025, by 8pm

Entry Delivery

Friday, May 16, 2025, 3pm-8pm and

Saturday, May 17, 2025, 11am-4pm

Jar Pickup (optional)

Tuesday, July 8, 2025, 10am-4pm

Adult Cookies and Confections

Entry Deadline

Wednesday, June 4, 2025, by 8pm

Entry Delivery

Saturday, June 7, 2025, 7am-10am

Adult Cakes and Cupcakes

Entry Deadline

Sunday, June 15, 2025, by 8pm

Entry Delivery

Wednesday, June 18, 2025, 9am – 11am*

Adult Pies and Pastries

Entry Deadline

Sunday, June 22, 2025, by 8pm

Entry Delivery

Wednesday, June 25, 2025, 9am – 11am*

Adult Bread, Rolls and Quick Breads

Entry Deadline

Sunday, June 29, 2025, by 8pm

Entry Delivery

Wednesday, July 2, 2025, 9am – 11am*

*Exhibitors will receive an early morning parking pass for delivery.


  • Adult Divisions are open to all adults aged 18 years old by the Entry Deadline(s) listed.
  • Preserved Foods must be original work of the exhibitor and prepared after July 7, 2024.
  • Culinary entries other than Preserved Foods must be original work of the exhibitor and be freshly prepared.
  • Work by two (2) or more exhibitors is not eligible.


Elena Liu, Coordinator

Veronica Navarro, Assistant Coordinator
San Diego County Fair Entry Office
2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar, CA 92014
Office (858) 792-4207 • Monday-Friday from 10am-4pm


  1. Completion of online entry registration shall be deemed acceptance of all rules. Acceptance includes permission to use your name, photograph, and exhibit for the news media.
  2. Online registration is required in all departments and for one-day contests. Online entries are accepted until 8:00pm (Pacific Time) on the deadline day for online entry registration, unless otherwise stated.
  3. Once registered, the description, title, and price may not be changed. Substitutions will not be allowed. Fair Management is not responsible for errors on entry forms which may lead to elimination or disqualification of an entry.
  4. Processing fees must be paid online at the time of registration. Processing fees are non-refundable.
  5. Exhibitors must be living at the time the entry form and/or online entry is submitted.
  6. All non-livestock entries must be the creative work of the exhibitor (whose name appears on the entry registration), be in good taste, and suitable for family viewing. Fair Management reserves the right to disqualify any entry/exhibit it deems objectionable or not in accordance with competition standards.
  7. If an entry is disqualified after judging is complete, no changes will be made to the status of awards given for other entries.
  8. Exhibitors are responsible for obtaining necessary permission from models and/or to use material in their entry that is considered copyrighted.
  9. No entry will be accepted should the exhibitor describe the conditions under which he/she will exhibit, or the exhibit will be displayed.
  10. Judges are qualified in the medium(s) they are judging. New judges may be chosen each year, and judges may be assigned to different divisions/classes from year to year.
  11. If a coordinator or judge deems an entry to be in the incorrect category, division, class, etc., he or she may direct the Entry Office to move that entry as appropriate. The Entry Office may combine divisions or classes to create an adequate judging pool.
  12. Fair Management reserves the right to limit entries, and display thereof, to facilities available and to cancel any division or class in which, in its judgment, the entries are insufficient to secure adequate competition.
  13. Entries must be delivered on the date(s) and times specified. Entries will not be accepted before or after the stated entry delivery date. All accepted exhibits must remain on display and shall not be removed until the stated entry pick up date. Any exhibit not picked up on the specified date becomes the property of the San Diego County Fair and will be disposed of promptly.
  14. All exhibits are entered and shown at the owner’s risk. Reasonable care will be taken to prevent loss or damage to exhibits, but in no event will the 22nd District Agricultural Association (San Diego County Fair) be responsible for any injury or loss which may occur or for the actions of third parties. Insurance, if desired, should be obtained by the exhibitor at his/her own expense.
  15. Any person who violates any Local, State, or Department rule or displays unethical conduct will forfeit all privileges and premiums and be subject to such penalty as the 22nd District Agricultural Association (San Diego County Fair) may order.
  16. To ensure reliable award notification, exhibitors are responsible for submitting all address, phone number and email address updates promptly in writing to entry@sdfair.com or Entry Department, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar, CA 92014.
  17. Premium money will be paid per the recorded placings in the official judging books rather than the ribbon attached to the exhibit.
  18. Donated Award recipients will be selected per the instructions given on the Donated Award Confirmation Form submitted by the donor.
  19. Premium, donated cash award, and auction checks will be made payable to the exhibitor as listed on the online entry registration. Checks will be mailed within 30 days after the close of the Fair to the address shown on the online entry registration, or as updated by the exhibitor via written notification to the Entry Office. Auction checks may be held longer if the buyer has not paid. Checks not cashed within 6 months from the date of issue will be forfeited. Replacement checks may be subject to a $35 stop payment fee.
  20. The 22nd District Agricultural Association (San Diego County Fair) is required by the Internal Revenue Service to report any premiums paid totaling the amount of $600 or more. Exhibitors may be required to submit a W-9 form.
  21. The 22nd District Agricultural Association management reserves the right to amend or add to these rules; the 22nd District Agricultural Association (San Diego County Fair) assumes no liability or responsibility not herein expressed.

California State Rules apply and are available here.

Entry Limit

Two (2) entries per exhibitor per class. Exhibitors may enter as many classes as desired. Recipes may only be entered once.

Entry Fees

Adult divisions: $10 per entry
Entry fees are payable online with a credit card and are not refundable.

Fair Tickets

Each exhibitor will receive two (2) Exhibitor Access Passes.

How to Enter

  1. After reading all entry materials, click the “Enter Now” link below to go to the ShoWorks Entry Homepage.
  2. Register as an Exhibitor (or Quick Group if entering for members of a club or guild).
  3. Select the appropriate division and class and input the required information. (See “Divisions and Classes” below for a list of all divisions and classes.) In the Description field, provide appropriate information, including the technique, so that the work can be identified if the entry tag becomes unattached. For example, “Child’s wool sweater, knit, original pattern,” or “San Diego Padres Bobblehead Collection – 27 pieces.” Character limit is 100 including spaces.
  4. Review your entry before completing registration to ensure that you have entered the correct division and class for each entry.
  5. Click the check-out button and pay for all entries.
  6. Read the confirmation statement and type YES. Do not click multiple times, as it will charge you each time.
  7. You will be prompted to upload your image(s) AFTER you pay. Digital image(s) of entries must be submitted before the entry deadline. Ensure uploaded images match the entry division, class and title for each entry. (See Photographing Your Entry for Upload.)

If you plan to make changes to your entries or need to leave ShoWorks at any time, SAVE YOUR CART before exiting out.

For additional help with entering and uploading images, review this detailed step-by-step guide: Entry Tutorial

Still have questions?
Please call or email the Entry Office.
Phone: (858) 792-4207, Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm

How to Prepare Your Entry for Delivery

Please see individual categories, divisions, and classes for specific entry requirements.

  • Delivery bags, boxes and containers may be used for delivery but will not be saved in the exhibit. Exhibitors should take them away after delivery.
  • Food and consumables other than preserved foods must be delivered in disposable containers. Disposable containers will not be returned.


The Home Arts & Hobbies competition uses the American system of judging for Adult Divisions.

Judging Results

Results will be announced at the Home Arts & Hobbies Open House (Preserved Foods and Cookies and Confections) or on the Farm 2 U Exhibit Stage (Cakes and Cupcakes, Pies and Pastries, and Bread, Rolls and Quick Breads) after judging, and posted on the San Diego County Fair’s website within two weeks of judging.

Entry Delivery & Pickup

Entries must be delivered to the Fairgrounds. Please refer to the Exhibition Timeline for in-person delivery dates. Exhibitors will be emailed delivery and pick up instructions including a map showing access to the Fairgrounds.

Home Arts & Hobbies will provide entry tags at entry delivery. Please allow time to attach entry tags to projects with materials and assistance provided by fair staff. Exhibitors will be responsible for attaching tag.

A claim check will be issued to each exhibitor upon entry delivery and must be presented at the time of entry pick up. If an exhibitor is unable to pick up their artwork, they may arrange for another person to bring in their claim check with a signed written authorization from the exhibitor.

Quick Group Delivery Appointments - If you registered as a Quick Group (clubs, guilds, organizations) and plan to deliver all entries in the group together, please CLICK HERE to request an appointment time on one of the in-person delivery dates.


Award checks will be available at entry pick up. Checks not picked up will be mailed within 30 days.

Adult Divisions

1st Place - Awarded in each class

$25 and ribbon

2nd Place - Awarded in each class

$20 and ribbon

3rd Place - Awarded in each class

$15 and ribbon

Honorable Mention (awarded at judges' discretion)


Best of Show - Chosen from 1st Place winners in each class from each Culinary Competition

$100 and ribbon


See Glossary for all definitions

PRESERVED FOOD SAFETY REQUIREMENTS: Entries must be prepared in accordance with National Center for Home Food Preservation . Food safety is of utmost importance and any entry deemed by judges or Fair staff to be unsafe for consumption will be disqualified.

  • No meat is allowed in any class other than Jerkies.
  • No refrigeration will be available.
  • Low acid foods must be pressure canned. These foods include vegetables (including tomatoes) and some combination foods such as soup mixes, spaghetti sauce, and salsa.
  • Acid and appropriately acidified foods (expected pH less than 4.6) such as pickles may be processed in a boiling water canner.
  • Jams, jellies, and fruit preserves should be processed in a boiling water canner. Fruit relish may be processed in a boiling water bath or pressure canned.
  • Open kettle canning (putting hot food in a jar, putting the lid on it and giving it no further processing) is not acceptable for any “canned” product.
  • All food becomes property of the Fair and will be discarded when spoiled (no refrigeration available after judging).
Labeling Requirements:
  • Type of product and process. Examples include:
      • Apricot jam, boiling water bath
      • Green beans, hot-pack, 10# pressure (240ºF), 25 minutes
  • Date processed (must be within the last year - since July 7, 2024)
  • Do not include the exhibitor's name.

Container Requirements:

  • Glass Mason-type, threaded home-canning jars with new self-sealing flat metal lids and metal screw bands must be used. Glass-topped containers will not be accepted.
  • Paraffin is not allowed
Ingredient List:
Complete and include this Ingredient List with each entry.

Division 130: Jams and Conserves

JUDGING CRITERIA: Texture, flavor, appearance
Entry must be a 4-ounce or an 8-ounce jar, 1/4 inch headspace.

Class 001 Jam - Berries and Mixed Berries

Class 002 Jam - Stone Fruits (plums, peaches, cherries)

Class 003 Jam - Other than listed

Class 004 Conserves

Division 131: Soft Spreads

JUDGING CRITERIA: Texture, flavor, appearance
Entry must be a 4-ounce or an 8-ounce jar, 1/4 inch headspace.

Class 001 Marmalade

Class 002 Preserves

Class 003 Curd

Class 004 Butter (Non-Dairy)

Division 132: Jellies

JUDGING CRITERIA: Texture, flavor, appearance
Entry must be a 4-ounce or an 8-ounce jar, 1/4 inch headspace.

Class 001 Berry

Class 002 Fruit other than berry

Class 003 Spicy

Class 004 Specialty - with Wine, Beer or Spirits

Division 133: Canned Fruit and Vegetables

JUDGING CRITERIA: Flavor, product, pack, container
Entry must be a 1-pint jar, 1/2 inch headspace.

Class 001 Fruit

Class 002 Vegetables

Class 003 Tomatoes

Class 004 Salsa

Division 134: Pickles

JUDGING CRITERIA: Appearance, clarity, container, flavor.
Entry must be a 1-pint jar, 1/2 inch headspace.

Class 001 Cucumber - Dill and/ or Spicy

Class 002 Cucumber - Sweet (including bread & butter)

Class 003 Pickled Fruits and Vegetables (other than cucumbers)

Class 004 Relishes

Division 135: Dried Food

JUDGING CRITERIA: Appearance, texture, flavor
Use the smallest container possible for the required amount of product, leaving the least air possible in the container.

Class 001 Dried Fruit or Vegetables, eight (8) full-diameter pieces/slices, or 1-2 cups of smaller pieces

Class 002 Fruit Leather, eight (8) pieces, rolled, 4-6 inch squares or 2 inch strips

Class 003 Jerky, eight (8) serving-size pieces/strips or 1-2 cups of smaller pieces

Class 004 Herbs or Herb Blends - 2-4 ounces (1/4 cup to 1/2 cup)


Pre-made or pre-packaged mixes may not be used. Recipes may be gluten-free or vegan.
All food becomes property of the Fair and will be discarded when spoiled (no refrigeration available after judging). Plates will not be returned.
Ingredient List: Complete and include this Ingredient List with each entry.

Division 136: Cookies

JUDGING CRITERIA: Taste; appearance; texture
Quantity: Six (6) cookies

Class 001 Bar Cookies, including Brownies

Class 002 Drop Cookies with inclusions (other than chocolate chips)

Class 003 Drop Cookies without inclusions

Class 004 Chocolate Chip Cookies

Class 005 Sandwich, Filled, Cups or Laceys

Class 006 International Cookies, such as biscotti and Mexican wedding cookies

Class 007 Rolled, Cut-out, and Decorated Cookies

Class 008 Other Shaped Cookies, such as molded, piped or refrigerator/icebox

Division 137: Confections

JUDGING CRITERIA: Texture, flavor, consistency; appearance
Quantity: Six (6) pieces

Class 001 Fudge

Class 002 Chocolate-Based Confections (other than fudge)

Class 003 Caramel-Based Treats

Class 004 Brittle and Crunchy Treats

Class 005 Gummies and Jellies

Class 006 Sugar-Free Confections

Class 007 Other than listed


Pre-made or pre-packaged mixes may not be used. Recipes may be gluten-free or vegan.

Cakes may be single or multi-layer, and of any shape. Cake and cupcake frosting and decoration is at the discretion of the exhibitor but should be consistent with the class entered.

All food becomes property of the Fair and will be discarded when spoiled (no refrigeration available after judging). Plates will not be returned.

Ingredient List: Complete and include this Ingredient List with each entry.

Division 138: Cakes and Cupcakes

JUDGING CRITERIA: Taste, texture, crumb and appearance.
Quantity: One (1) cake or six (6) cupcakes

Class 001 Celebration - Designed for a specific event

Class 002 Classic with a Twist - Modern interpretations of traditional flavors

Class 003 Surprise Inside – Hidden elements like rainbow layers or hidden shapes

Class 004 Heritage Recipes - Family or cultural recipes passed down through generations. Include a short description of the significance on the Ingredient form.

Class 005 Is it Cake? – Cake replicas of other objects


Pre-made or pre-packaged mixes or fillings may not be used. Recipes may be gluten-free or vegan.

All food becomes property of the Fair and will be discarded when spoiled (no refrigeration available after judging). Plates will not be returned.

Ingredient List: Complete and include this Ingredient List with each entry.

Division 139: Pies and Pastries

JUDGING CRITERIA: Crust, filling, appearance
Quantity: One (1) 8”-10” pie or tart, or four (4) tartlets or other pastries.
Non-refrigerated pies, no cream or custard. No bread dough.

Class 001 Single Crust

Class 002 Double Crust

Class 003 Filo Pastry

Class 004 Puff Pastry and Croissants

Class 005 Tarts and Tartlets

Class 006 Other than listed


Pre-made or pre-packaged doughs and mixes may not be used. Recipes may be gluten-free or vegan.
All food becomes property of the Fair and will be discarded when spoiled (no refrigeration available after judging). Plates will not be returned.
Ingredient List: Complete and include this Ingredient List with each entry.

Division 140: Breads and Rolls

Made with yeast (instant, active dry, bread machine yeast)
Quantity: One (1) loaf, or six (6) rolls

Class 001 Sweet Breads and Rolls

Class 002 Savory and Sourdough Breads and Rolls

Class 003 Fancy Loaves and Rolls

Class 004 Loaves and Rolls with inclusions (no meat)

Division 141: Quick Breads

Made without yeast
Quantity: One (1) loaf, or six (6) pieces of non-loaf entries

Class 001 Quick Breads and Muffins with purees

Class 002 Quick Breads and Muffins with inclusions (no meat)

Class 003 Biscuits and Scones

Class 004 Cornbread and Corn Muffins


Download Competition Guide

All Local and State Rules apply.
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