Divisions and Classes
See Glossary for definitions. Classes are open to all skill levels unless labeled as Beginner, Advanced, Master, Amateur, or Professional.
Division 1500: Minerals
Entries must be composed of minerals in their rough or natural state and may not be polished or made into slices, unless otherwise indicated. No limit to number of specimens in full case entries, unless otherwise indicated. Specimens must be sourced worldwide, unless otherwise indicated. Specimens may be any size, unless otherwise indicated.
Eligibility: Previously entered full case displays must contain at least three (3) new specimens.
Entry Limit: Two (2) entries per class.
Judging Guideline A: Quality and/or variety of specimens (75%), workmanship and/or presentation, (15%), rarity of material (5%), labeling (5%)
Labeling Requirements: Label must indicate mineral name(s) and locality.
Mineral Label Template (required for each individual mineral)
Class 001 Long wave - Full case display of fluorescent minerals. Exhibitor must supply display case and UV lights. Minimum ten (10) specimens.
Class 002 Short wave - Full case display of fluorescent minerals. Exhibitor must supply display case and UV lights. Minimum ten (10) specimens.
Class 003 One (1) “Mineral of the Year” specimen: Minerals of North America.
Class 004 Five (5) “Mineral of the Year” specimens: Minerals of North America.
Class 005 Five (5) mineral specimens, one species (examples: calcite, quartz, etc.).
Class 006 Five (5) mineral specimens from one mining district.
Class 007 Five (5) mineral specimens from one US state.
Class 008 Five (5) mineral specimens from one country.
Class 009 Beginner – Full case display of mineral specimens.
Class 010 Advanced – Full case display of mineral specimens.
Class 011 Master – Full case display of mineral specimens.
Class 012 Professional – Full case display of mineral specimens.
Class 013 Full case of thumbnail minerals. Each specimen must not exceed the size of a 1” cube. (35 - 50 specimens required)
Class 014 Full case display of nodules (geodes, thundereggs, or both) any or all of which may be sawed in half and polished.
Class 015 One (1) mineral specimen self-collected (not gift, bought, or traded for). Label must include location and date of collection.
Class 016 One (1) mineral specimen from San Diego County.
Class 017 Beginner – One (1) mineral specimen from any locality outside of San Diego County.
Class 018 Advanced – One (1) mineral specimen from any locality outside of San Diego County.
Class 019 Master – One (1) mineral specimen from any locality outside of San Diego County.
Class 020 Professional – One (1) mineral specimen from any locality outside of San Diego County.
Class 021 “Rough and Cut” – One (1) gemstone mineral crystal and one (1) matching cut stone, need not be cut by exhibitor.
Class 022 One (1) meteorite, any locality. May be whole, a portion, or a slice.
Class 023 One (1) mineral with inclusion.
Division 1501: Fossils
Full case entries must contain a minimum of ten (10) to a maximum of twenty-five (25) specimens, unless otherwise indicated. Carving and acrylic coatings are not allowed.
Eligibility: Items entered previously in classes marked with an asterisk (*) may not be entered in those classes again. Previously entered full case displays must contain at least three (3) new specimens.
Entry Limit: Two (2) entries per class.
Judging Guideline A: Quality and/or variety of specimens (75%), workmanship and/or presentation, (15%), rarity of material (5%), labeling (5%)
Labeling Requirements: Label must indicate common name of specimen (in English), Latin name of specimen, epoch, and locality, if known.
Fossil Label Template (required for each individual specimen)
Class 024 One (1) “Fossil of the Year” specimen: Fossils of North America.
Class 025 Full case display of petrified wood from more than one locality. One side may be cut and polished. May include opalized or silicified materials. Must be sourced worldwide.
Class 026* One (1) petrified wood specimen. One side may be cut and polished.
Class 027* One (1) vertebrate fossil.
Class 028* One (1) invertebrate fossil.
Class 029 Full case of fossils. Must be sourced worldwide.
Class 030* One (1) fossil, self-collected (not gifted, bought, or traded for). Label must include exact location and date of collection.
Class 031* Three (3) fossil specimens from one country. Label must include country of origin.
Class 032* One (1) specimen of exhibitor’s favorite fossil. Label must include when the fossil was acquired and why the exhibitor likes it best.
Division 1502: Mixed Display
Mixed Display entries must be full cases containing a minimum of ten (10) items that consist of at least two of the following categories:
(a) Mineral specimens
(b) Lapidary items
(c) Jewelry and/or metal work pieces.
Work need not be done by the exhibitor, unless otherwise indicated. Specimens may be sourced worldwide. One (1) business card per exhibit may be displayed.
Eligibility: Previously entered full case displays must contain at least 20% new material.
Entry Limit: Two (2) entries per class
Judging Guideline B: Quality and/or variety (55%), workmanship and/or presentation (30%), rarity of materials (5%), even balance of specimens from selected categories (5%), labeling (5%)
Labeling Requirements: Label must indicate name of material and locality, if known.
Mixed Display Label Template (required for each type of material)
Class 033 Full case, all one mineral. Items from two or more categories listed above containing one (1) mineral only.
Class 034 Full case, variety of minerals. Items from two or more categories listed above. Each item may be comprised of one or more minerals.
Class 035 Full case, variety of minerals. Items from two or more categories listed above. Each item may be comprised of one or more minerals. Lapidary and/or jewelry work to be done by exhibitor.
Division 1503: Faceted Gemstones
Faceting work must be done by the exhibitor. The rough specimen and faceted gemstone entered as a pair must be approximately the same color, but the corresponding rough need not come from the same locality or mine. Specimens may be sourced worldwide.
Eligibility: Items previously entered in this division may not be entered again, except Classes 045 and 047 which require at least two new faceted gems.
Entry Limit: Two (2) entries per class.
Judging Guideline C: Workmanship (70%), presentation (10%), quality and/or variety of gemstone materials (10%), rarity of material (5%), labeling (5%)
Labeling Requirements: Label must include name of material, locality (if known), carat weight, cut, and exhibitor name. Class 039 labels must also include the type of optical property. Labels must be printed in black ink on white cardstock.
Single or Two Faceted Gemstone Label Template
Single Faceted Gemstone Class 039 Label Template
Set of Three (3) Faceted Gemstones Label Template (single label format)
Set of Three (3) Faceted Gemstones Label Template (multiple label format)
Class 036 One (1) “Faceted Gem of the Year” stone: Topaz, with corresponding rough.
Class 037 One (1) faceted gem from natural material, 25 carats and up, with corresponding rough.
Class 038 One (1) faceted birthstone gem from natural material (ex. garnet, amethyst, aquamarine, diamond, emerald, alexandrite, moonstone, ruby, peridot, spinel, sapphire, opal, tourmaline, topaz, citrine, tanzanite, and zircon).
Class 039 One (1) faceted gem from natural material exhibiting phenomenal optical properties (ex. schiller, opalescence, cat’s eye, etc.), with corresponding rough. Label to include type of optical property.
Class 040 One (1) fantasy cut gem from natural material using a novel design, frosted facets and/or concave facets.
Class 041 Beginner – One (1) faceted gem from natural material with corresponding rough.
Class 042 Advanced – One (1) faceted gem from natural material with corresponding rough.
Class 043 Master – One (1) faceted gem from natural material with corresponding rough.
Class 044 Professional – One (1) faceted gem from natural material with corresponding rough.
Class 045 Three (3) faceted gems from natural material.
Class 046 One (1) faceted synthetic gem with corresponding rough material.
Class 047 Three (3) faceted synthetic gems.
Class 048 Two (2) faceted gems as matching set. Must be same cut, same natural material, and same weight.
Division 1504: Lapidary Work
All lapidary work must be done by the exhibitor. The polished cabochon and rough material must match but the corresponding rough need not come from the same locality or mine. Specimens may be sourced worldwide.
Eligibility: Items previously entered in this division may not be entered again, except Class 052 which requires at least three (3) new items.
Entry Limit: Classes 049 through 053 and 059 – Two (2) entries
Classes 054 through 058 - Three (3) entries
Note: California State Rules limit cash premiums to (2) per exhibitor per class
Judging Guideline D: Workmanship (60%), design/uniqueness (20%), quality of materials (10%), presentation (5%), labeling (5%)
Labeling Requirements: Label must include name of material, locality (if known), and exhibitor name. Labels must be printed in black ink on white cardstock.
Single Lapidary Label Template
Set of Three (3) Lapidary Label Template (single label format)
Set of Three (3) Lapidary or Class 052 Label Template (multiple label format)
Class 049 Three (3) cabochons, each with corresponding rough.
Class 050 One (1) standard cabochon with corresponding rough.
Class 051 One (1) fancy cab with corresponding rough.
Class 052 Full case display of polished spheres of more than one natural mineral material or rock.
Class 053 One (1) polished sphere (2” – 5” diameter) of natural mineral material or rock. Stands provided by Fair staff.
Class 054 Beginner –One (1) gemstone carving, natural mineral material (e.g. aquamarine, topaz, amethyst, opal, etc.)
Class 055 Advanced – One (1) gemstone carving, natural mineral material (ex. aquamarine, topaz, amethyst, opal, etc.)
Class 056 Beginner – One (1) rock carving, natural mineral material or rock (ex. obsidian, calcite, jasper, soapstone, onyx, alabaster, etc.)
Class 057 Advanced – One (1) rock carving, natural mineral material or rock (ex. obsidian, calcite, jasper, soapstone, onyx, alabaster, etc.)
Class 058 Professional - One (1) gemstone or rock carving, natural mineral material or rock
Class 059 One (1) lapidary item not listed above of natural mineral material or rock. Includes, but is not limited to, intarsia, a pair of polished bookends, a polished egg or cube, a single polished geode, a polished agate, or a contour-polished item. Excludes cabochons, spheres, and carvings.
Division 1505: Jewelry
Entries must be wearable, original work of the exhibitor (minor exceptions include gemstone faceting, cabochon cutting, stone setting, and small findings such as clasps) and may be single pieces or matching sets of up to five (5) pieces, depending on the class. Exhibitors must comply with copyright laws.
Eligibility: Work previously entered in this division may not be entered in this division again.
Entry Limit: Two (2) entries per class, except classes 063, 068, and 069 which allow only one (1) entry each.
Judging Guideline D: Workmanship (60%), design/uniqueness (20%), quality of materials (10%), presentation (5%), labeling (5%). All materials such as stones, natural crystals, natural or cultured pearls (not dyed or shaped), coral, and shell will be considered in judging.
The following materials are allowed in classes as indicated:
(B) - Purchased beads are allowed.
(BW) - Bead weaving is allowed.
(D) - Dichroic glass is allowed.
(M) - Metal clay jewelry is allowed.
(S) – Synthetic materials are allowed.
(W) - Wire wrap and wire work jewelry are allowed.
Jewelry created using Computer Aided Design (CAD) may only be entered in Class 079.
No plastic, ivory, or conflict materials allowed in any class.
Labeling Requirements: Label must include title of the piece(s), exhibitor’s name, sale price (or NFS), all techniques and materials used, and indicate work done by exhibitor. Exhibitor contact information, for sale purposes, may be included. Labels must be printed in black ink on white cardstock.
Jewelry Label Template (single pieces)
Jewelry Label Template (sets or multiple pieces)
Class 060 Amateur – Single piece of constructed jewelry with stones.
Class 061 Amateur – Single piece of constructed jewelry, all metal.
Class 062 Amateur – Single piece of cast jewelry, with or without stones.
Class 063 Amateur – “Exhibitor’s Best” single piece with any natural material. (M)(W)
Class 064 Amateur – Single piece of art jewelry, original concept. (BW)(D)(M)(S)(W)
Class 065 Amateur – Set of art jewelry, original concept. (BW)(D)(M)(S)(W)
Class 066 Professional – Single piece of constructed jewelry with or without stones.
Class 067 Professional – Single piece of cast jewelry with or without stones.
Class 068 Professional – “Exhibitor’s Best” single piece with any natural material. (M)(W)
Class 069 Professional – “Exhibitor’s Best”, one (1) set, maximum five (5) pieces per set, any natural material.
Class 070 Professional – Set of art jewelry, original concept. (BW)(D)(M)(S)(W)
Class 071 Single piece of Fair-themed jewelry: Summer Pet-tacular! (B)(BW)(D)(M)(S)(W)
Class 072 Single bola (bolo or shoestring) tie. (M)(W)
Class 073 Single piece of modern or traditional Southwestern-style jewelry.
Class 074 Single, handmade all metal chain.
Class 075 Single piece of cloisonné jewelry.
Class 076 Single piece of glass on metal enamel jewelry. Excludes cloisonné.
Class 077 Single piece of chasing and/or repoussé jewelry.
Class 078 Single piece of wire worked jewelry. May include a mixture of wire wrapping, wire weaving, crocheting, wire-on-wire wrapping, soldering, fusing, and other techniques. (B)(S)
Class 079 Single piece of jewelry created with exhibitor’s own Computer Aided Design (CAD). Display may include CAD image in addition to label.
Division 1506: Metalwork
Metalwork entries may include cups, bowls, boxes, vases, and other non-wearable items. All work must be done by the exhibitor with minor exceptions such as gemstone faceting, cabochon cutting, etc. Entries shall fit inside a 6”W x 6”D x 10”H space.
Entry Limit: Three (3) entries per class.
Note: California State Rules limit cash premiums to (2) per exhibitor per class
Judging Guideline D: Workmanship (60%), design/uniqueness (20%), quality of materials (10%), presentation (5%), labeling (5%). All materials such as stones, natural crystals, natural or cultured pearls (not dyed or shaped), coral, and shell will be considered in judging.
No plastic, synthetic materials, beads, ivory, or conflict materials are allowed.
Labeling Requirements: Label must include title of the piece(s), exhibitor’s name, sale price (or NFS), all techniques and materials used, and indicate work done by exhibitor. Exhibitor contact information, for sale purposes, may be included. Labels must be printed in black ink on white cardstock.
Metalwork Label Template
Class 080 Amateur – Single piece of metalwork with or without stones.
Class 081 Professional – Single piece of metalwork with or without stones.
Division 1507: Educational Exhibits
Educational Exhibits are full cases that may be created by an individual or group (family, club, etc.) and must include information deemed educationally valuable to Fair visitors.
Eligibility: Exhibits previously entered must contain at least 50% new content.
Entry Limit: One (1) entry per individual, club, family or group.
Judging Guideline E: Educational value (40%), presentation (30%), information/labeling (30%).
Labeling Requirements: Exhibits must include printed documentation with relevant information, including a combination of photographs, graphics, maps, and labels, all of which should reinforce the educational value of the exhibit. There is no required template.
All elements of the display, including printed documentation, must be set up on the inside of the display case.
Class 082 Full case, gem-, mineral-, fossil-, lapidary-, or jewelry-related educational exhibit.