Home > Participate > Competitive Exhibits > Garden Show > Garden Show Landscapes



Show off your green thumb and win cash awards and special recognition ribbons in the Paul Ecke Jr. Garden Show featuring competitions for large-scale Landscape Displays and more compact Container Plants.

Landscape exhibits should attempt to incorporate the standards of water conservation, use of organic practices and sustainability, colorful plant material suitable for San Diego County — and when suitable, include elements reflecting the Fair's theme, "Summer Pet-tacular!"

This competition has divisions for professionals, amateurs, garden clubs and students.

The San Diego County Fair’s Landscape Garden Competition is a dynamic and competitive outdoor showcase featuring student, adult, and professional garden landscape exhibits that celebrates the boundless creativity, horticultural expertise, and environmental stewardship of all participants. This vibrant event brings together diverse gardeners—from budding students to seasoned professionals—to demonstrate their skills and passion for landscape design. Through stunning garden displays, the competition highlights innovative approaches to sustainable gardening practices, the art of landscaping, and the importance of eco-conscious design.


Landscape Exhibitors’ Workshop Saturday, March 1, 9:30–11:30am
Preliminary Designs Due
Monday, April 14
Entry Deadline
Friday, May 16, by 8pm
Landscape Exhibit Set-up Saturday, May 17–Wednesday, June 4
(credentials required)
Fair Dates Wednesday, June 11–Sunday, July 6
(closed Mondays and Tuesdays)
Awards Ceremony (invitation only) Wednesday, June 11, 6pm
Teardown Monday, July 7–Wednesday, July 9, 7am-5pm
(credentials required)


Patty McGinty, Coordinator
Garden Show Office Direct. • (858) 755-1161 ext. 2462. or ext. 2260
San Diego County Fair Entry Office
2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar, CA 92014
Office (858) 792-4207 • Monday-Friday from 10am-4pm

Garden Show Landscape Eligibility & Competition Rules

  1. See Division description for eligibility requirements, as they vary from division to division
  2. Management reserves the right to assign display locations.
  3. Collaborative projects must be approved by the coordinator.
  4. All Division 2001 and 2002 exhibitors will be required to have general liability insurance coverage.


  1. Completion of online entry registration shall be deemed acceptance of all rules. Acceptance includes permission to use your name, photograph, and exhibit for the news media.
  2. Online registration is required in all departments and for one-day contests. Online entries are accepted until 8:00pm (Pacific Time) on the deadline day for online entry registration, unless otherwise stated.
  3. Once registered, the description, title, and price may not be changed. Substitutions will not be allowed. Fair Management is not responsible for errors on entry forms which may lead to elimination or disqualification of an entry.
  4. Processing fees must be paid online at the time of registration. Processing fees are non-refundable.
  5. Exhibitors must be living at the time the entry form and/or online entry is submitted.
  6. All non-livestock entries must be the creative work of the exhibitor (whose name appears on the entry registration), be in good taste, and suitable for family viewing. Fair Management reserves the right to disqualify any entry/exhibit it deems objectionable or not in accordance with competition standards.
  7. If an entry is disqualified after judging is complete, no changes will be made to the status of awards given for other entries.
  8. Exhibitors are responsible for obtaining necessary permission from models and/or to use material in their entry that is considered copyrighted.
  9. No entry will be accepted should the exhibitor describe the conditions under which he/she will exhibit, or the exhibit will be displayed.
  10. Judges are qualified in the medium(s) they are judging. New judges may be chosen each year, and judges may be assigned to different divisions/classes from year to year.
  11. If a coordinator or judge deems an entry to be in the incorrect category, division, class, etc., he or she may direct the Entry Office to move that entry as appropriate. The Entry Office may combine divisions or classes to create an adequate judging pool.
  12. Fair Management reserves the right to limit entries, and display thereof, to facilities available and to cancel any division or class in which, in its judgment, the entries are insufficient to secure adequate competition.
  13. Entries must be delivered on the date(s) and times specified. Entries will not be accepted before or after the stated entry delivery date. All accepted exhibits must remain on display and shall not be removed until the stated entry pick up date. Any exhibit not picked up on the specified date becomes the property of the San Diego County Fair and will be disposed of promptly.
  14. All exhibits are entered and shown at the owner’s risk. Reasonable care will be taken to prevent loss or damage to exhibits, but in no event will the 22nd District Agricultural Association (San Diego County Fair) be responsible for any injury or loss which may occur or for the actions of third parties. Insurance, if desired, should be obtained by the exhibitor at his/her own expense.
  15. Any person who violates any Local, State, or Department rule or displays unethical conduct will forfeit all privileges and premiums and be subject to such penalty as the 22nd District Agricultural Association (San Diego County Fair) may order.
  16. To ensure reliable award notification, exhibitors are responsible for submitting all address, phone number and email address updates promptly in writing to entry@sdfair.com or Entry Department, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar, CA 92014.
  17. Premium money will be paid per the recorded placings in the official judging books rather than the ribbon attached to the exhibit.
  18. Donated Award recipients will be selected per the instructions given on the Donated Award Confirmation Form submitted by the donor.
  19. Premium, donated cash award, and auction checks will be made payable to the exhibitor as listed on the online entry registration. Checks will be mailed within 30 days after the close of the Fair to the address shown on the online entry registration, or as updated by the exhibitor via written notification to the Entry Office. Auction checks may be held longer if the buyer has not paid. Checks not cashed within 6 months from the date of issue will be forfeited. Replacement checks may be subject to a $35 stop payment fee.
  20. The 22nd District Agricultural Association (San Diego County Fair) is required by the Internal Revenue Service to report any premiums paid totaling the amount of $600 or more. Exhibitors may be required to submit a W-9 form.
  21. The 22nd District Agricultural Association management reserves the right to amend or add to these rules; the 22nd District Agricultural Association (San Diego County Fair) assumes no liability or responsibility not herein expressed.

California State Rules apply and are available here.


One entry per class.


Entry fees are payable online with a credit card and are not refundable.

Division 2001- Adult Garden Landscape Exhibits

Class 001


Class 002


Class 003


Class 004


Class 005


Division 2002- Student Garden Landscape Exhibits

Class 001


How to Enter

  1. After reading all entry materials, click the “Enter Now” link below to go to the ShoWorks Entry Homepage.
  2. Register as an Exhibitor.
  3. Select the appropriate division and class and input the required information. (See “Divisions and Classes” below for a list of all divisions and classes.)
  4. Review your entry before completing registration to ensure that you have entered the correct division and class for each entry.
  5. Click the check-out button and pay for all entries.
  6. Read the confirmation statement and type YES. Do not click multiple times, as it will charge you each time.

If you plan to make changes to your entries or need to leave ShoWorks at any time, SAVE YOUR CART before exiting out.

For additional help with entering, review this detailed step-by-step guide: Entry Tutorial

Still have questions?
Please call or
email the Entry Office.
Phone: (858) 792-4207 • Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm

How to Prepare for the Show

Space Allocation and Design

There will be a maximum of 50 exhibits accepted in Divisions 2001 and 15 exhibits in Division 2002. Space assignments will be allocated in the order they are received. Exhibitors must have entry fees paid, and a 2025 W-9 Tax ID form completed. All potential exhibitors must submit a landscape design by the deadline to reserve the space needed including a request for border wall materials. Exhibitors are encouraged to use creative border materials. The coordinator must approve the design. Deviation from the approved plan can result in disqualification or removal.

Construction Specifications

Hardscape: All hardscape elements (i.e., water features, walkways, patios, walls, etc.) must be in place by Monday, June 2. River-rock beds must have a liner underneath for easy removal.

Electrical: All electrical connections must be wrapped for weatherproofing. Cords must be UL approved, heavy-duty, and three-prong grounded with a maximum length of 20 feet. Coordinate any electrical needs with the Garden Show coordinator and the Fairgrounds electrician.

Lighting/ Sound: Lighting of exhibits is highly recommended for viewing during evening hours. The use of sounds in any display must be approved by the coordinator.

Water/ Pools: No standing water is permitted. Pool pumps must be screened. Pool liners should be 20 mil minimum and heavy-duty to prevent leakage. Waterfalls and fountains should be designed not to overflow when off. These will be shut off nightly after the Fair closes and on dark days unless prior arrangements have been made with the Garden Show coordinator.

Public Access: If the public is allowed to enter an exhibitor’s space, it must meet ADA specifications. Please see the Garden Show coordinator for additional information.

Miscellaneous: Exhibits must be finished on all sides visible to the public. Landscape containers must not be visible. Any concrete barriers, posts, landscape containers, electrical cords, water sources, etc. within the display area must be covered.


Exhibitors must furnish their own materials, accessories, and labor. Management insists on the use of high-quality products and materials, Artificial flowers and foliage are prohibited. High-quality synthetic lawn is acceptable with Garden Show coordinator’s approval.

Provided Items

The Garden Show will provide on a “first-come, first served,” basis: Assigned space, block borders, fill dirt, rough grading, and mulch. Each landscape exhibit area will have electricity, security lighting, access to water, and a Fair-provided sign board for displaying your sign. The Fair will also provide a basic sign for each exhibit with the name of the exhibitor.

Accessory Suppliers

If an exhibitor needs to borrow materials or accessories, they should contact the Garden Show off for a current list of potential suppliers. The exhibitor will need to arrange the details for pick-up and return with the chosen supplier and is responsible for any items included in their exhibit. In addition to the list, many other companies are responsive to requests for loans of the products to exhibitors. Exhibitors may contact other suppliers as they wish. To acknowledge participation of accessory suppliers, their names may be included in the information that appears on the exhibitor’s additional sign.


The Fair will provide a basic sign for each exhibit with the name of the exhibitor. Exhibitors should include an additional sign (maximum 24” x 36”) with the following:

  • Exhibit theme statement—Explain what the display represents and how
  • A conceptual landscape plan of exhibit—A bird’s eye view of the exhibit
  • A plant identification guide—List all plant varieties and label plants with numbers
  • A thank you list of suppliers—Thank all suppliers that contributed to the display


All literature and handouts must be reviewed and approved by the Garden Show coordinator. All printed handouts must be professional in appearance and available in the literature holders attached to the sign holders. A limited number of literature holders will also be available by request. Staff will attach literature holders. Literature will be put in holders after judging is completed.

Exhibit Staffing

During Fair hours, landscape exhibitors (not suppliers) may staff their exhibits. Exhibitors must inform the coordinator when they arrive. The purpose of these staff members is to provide information and education. Sales are prohibited on Fair property.

Set-Up & Teardown

Vehicles will be allowed in the show area for unloading landscape materials and set-up on the dates listed in the timeline above. All basic construction and large plant material must be in place by noon on the day of the deadline. Vehicles must be parked in designated areas and display access passes on dashboards. Vehicles without proper access passes will be subject to tow. No exhibitor access on the day of judging.

Exhibitors may begin to dismantle their exhibits, according to a schedule provided by Garden Show staff, the day after the Fair closes. Exhibitors dismantling their exhibits early may have premiums withheld. All hardscape elements (i.e., water features, walkways, patios, walls, boulders, flagstone, river rock, etc.) must be removed by the exhibitor by the last day of teardown at 5pm. Failure to remove all hardscape including boulders, flagstone, and river rock will result in forfeiture of all premiums. Security will be provided until the Saturday following the last day of the Fair. All items not removed by this time will become the property of the Garden Show. Removal of all items in displays must be coordinated by the exhibitor. No one may remove items from an exhibit (other than the owner of said exhibit) without prior written authorization from the owner on file in the Garden Show office.


Watering of entries during the Fair will be done by trained Garden Show staff per the watering schedule exhibitors provide prior to the Fair. This watering schedule form must be completed before Opening Day. Container plant maintenance throughout the entire Fair is critical and entries should be inspected often. Exhibits may be maintained on open Fair days between 6-9am (after which all vehicles must exit the Garden Show area) and on closed Fair days (any Monday or Tuesday between 6am-6pm). All vehicles must display a valid Garden Show exhibitor permit on dashboard or be subject to tow. Exhibitors must use their own tools and remove all equipment when finished with maintenance each day. Excessive watering that causes run-off into area drains may result in State-imposed fines. Any entry which is not maintained properly may be determined ineligible and have premiums withheld.

The 22nd DAA has strict requirements associated with its storm water permits (Industrial General Permit and Small Phase 2 MSR). Both permits require the 22nd DAA to ensure that no water, other than what falls from the sky, makes its way into the storm drain system. This includes excess plant water. Anyone found watering in a manner that results in discharges to any storm drain shall be fined $500 for the first incident. If the behavior continues, the violator shall be referred to the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (SD RWQCB) for action. Fines and penalties levied by the SD RWQCB shall be the sole responsibility of the violator, along with any direct costs sustained by the 22nd DAA for clean-up and repair.

Fair Tickets

Individual exhibitors will receive two Exhibitor Access Passes. Exhibiting groups will receive two Exhibitor Access Passes per participating team member. Questions regarding Exhibitor Access Passes may be directed to the Agriculture Programs Supervisor.


Displays must be ready for judging by the deadline listed above at 5pm. Judging will take place on the following day. Exhibitors’ and suppliers’ names must be covered by exhibitors prior to judging. Failure to do so can result in disqualification. Exhibitors will not be permitted in or around the show area during judging. Failure to comply will result in disqualification.

Judging Criteria

Entries are judged using a scorecard, which varies depending on the division. Click here for the Adult Landscape scorecard and here for the Student Landscape scorecard.

Judging Results

All accepted entries will be displayed in the Garden Show exhibit with any awards received.


Award checks will be available at teardown. Checks not picked up will be mailed within 30 days. You must notify the Fair if the person or business name to be issued your awards check is different that the exhibitor name the entry was registered under. For collaborative projects, only one check will be issued, and the participating exhibitors are responsible for dividing the premium check. All award money may be forfeited if the exhibitor fails to maintain their exhibit throughout the duration of the Fair.

Division 2001—Adult Garden Landscape Awards

Each landscape exhibit will be judged using a point system. The amount of points earned will determine the amount of the monetary award received per the following:

Class 001

$5 per point, up to $2,500

Class 002

$5 per point, up to $2,500

Class 003

$6 per point, up to $3,000

Class 004

$8 per point, up to $4,000

Class 005

$10 per point, up to $5,000

Additional Adult Garden Landscape Fair Awards:

Coordinator’s Award


Don Diego Award


Edgar Engert Educational Merit Award


Landscape Lighting Award


New Exhibitor Award


Noteworthy Plant Specimens


Watersmart Landscape Award


Paul Ecke, Sr. Trophy


Ecke Family Award


Paul Ecke, Jr. Garden Show Award 1st Place


Paul Ecke, Jr. Garden Show Award 2nd Place


Paul Ecke, Jr. Garden Show Award 3rd Place


Division 2002—Student Garden Landscape Awards

The Danish system of judging will be used, where exhibits are judged on how well they meet the standard rather than being ranked against other exhibits within that division and class. All exhibitors receive a ribbon and cash award, and there may be multiple entries that earn the same ranking.

The following will be awarded in each class:

1st Place

$500 and Rosette

2nd Place

$475 and Rosette

3rd Place

$450 and Rosette

Additional Student Garden Landscape Fair Awards:

Outstanding Student Landscape Garden


Divisions and Classes

Division 2001—Adult Garden Landscape

Class 001 Amateur exhibit DIY (Do it Yourself), 250-750 sq. ft. Open to garden clubs, plant societies, horticulturists, amateur gardeners, and educational institutions.

Class 002 Amateur exhibit with paid assistance, 250-750 sq. ft. Open to garden clubs, plant societies, horticulturists, amateur gardeners, and educational institutions.

Class 003 Small professional exhibit, 500 sq. ft. Open to professional businesses, nurserymen, professional associations, public agencies, botanic gardens, and professional horticulturists.

Class 004 Medium professional exhibit, 750 sq. ft. Open to professional businesses, nurserymen, professional associations, public agencies, botanic gardens, and professional horticulturists.

Class 005 Large professional exhibit, 1000 sq. ft. Open to professional businesses, nurserymen, professional associations, public agencies, botanic gardens, and professional horticulturists.

Division 2002—Student Garden Landscape

Class 001 Student landscape exhibit ages 9-19. Display size 300 sq. ft. (15’ x 20”). The exhibit should aim to create a dynamic outdoor space by thoughtfully arranging and modifying elements such as plants, additional structures (fountains, benches, etc.), and natural features suited to the terrain of your choice to enhance both the aesthetic appeal and functionality of a space. Landscape designs can include everything from gardens and parks to urban streetscapes and commercial properties, blending creativity with principles of sustainability and environmental stewardship. Additionally, the design should feature vibrant plant materials and those that are appropriate for San Diego County's climate.


Download Competition Guide

All Local and State Rules apply.


Sincere and heartfelt thanks to these partners
Walter Andersen Nursery
Agri Service by Waste Management
Thank you to these generous donors:
Our Sponsors
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