Specimen Bloom Divisions and Classes
Division 4600-4670: Roses
Classes are open to participants of all skill levels unless designated as “novice.” A novice is defined as an exhibitor who has won fewer than five blue ribbons or a trophy in American Rose Society (ARS) shows or other rose show competitions within these classes prior to this year’s San Diego County Fair. Novice status is maintained for the duration of the Fair.
Classes categorizing blooms by color will encompass all tints and shades of the specified solid color, including light, medium, and dark variations. Judging Criteria: Judging procedures and color classifications for specimen blooms are in alignment with the American Rose Society publications. Blooms are usually ½ to ¾ open.
Class 001 Rose in a bowl, bloom without stem floating in clear water
Class 002 Three mini flora blooms floating in a 6” bowl
Class 003 One bloom stem, any color
Class 004 Single petal (4-8 petals or classified as single by ARS), one stem, no side buds
Class 005 Fully open, any color, stamens must show, no singles
Class 006 Decorative form/ semi-double, does not show exhibition form, one bloom
Class 007 Vase of five, any color or variety, one bloom per stem
Class 008 Spray, any color, one stem, two or more open blooms
Class 009 Novice, any color or variety, one bloom or spray
One stem, no side buds, no singles
Class 010 White or color not listed
Class 011 Yellow or yellow blend
Class 012 Apricot or apricot blend
Class 013 Orange, orange blend, orange-red, or orange-pink
Class 014 Pink or pink blend
Class 015 Red or red blend
Class 016 Mauve or mauve blend
One stem, one bloom per stem, no side buds, no singles
Class 017 White or color not listed
Class 018 Yellow or yellow blend
Class 019 Apricot or apricot blend
Class 020 Orange, orange blend, orange-red, or orange-pink
Class 021 Pink or pink blend
Class 022 Red or red blend
Class 023 Mauve or mauve blend
One bloom, no side buds
Class 024 White or color not listed
Class 025 Yellow or yellow blend
Class 026 Apricot or apricot blend
Class 027 Orange, orange blend, orange-red, or orange-pink
Class 028 Pink or pink blend
Class 029 Red or red blend
Class 030 Mauve or mauve blend
Class 031 Novice, floribunda one bloom, one stem, any color
Two or more open blooms
Class 032 White or color not listed
Class 033 Yellow or yellow blend
Class 034 Apricot or apricot blend
Class 035 Orange, orange blend, orange-red, or orange-pink
Class 036 Pink or pink blend
Class 037 Red or red blend
Class 038 Mauve or mauve blend
Class 039 Novice, one stem, two or more open blooms, any color
One bloom, no side buds, exhibition form
Class 040 White or color not listed
Class 041 Yellow or yellow blend
Class 042 Apricot or apricot blend
Class 043 Orange, orange blend, orange-red, or orange-pink
Class 044 Pink or pink blend
Class 045 Red or red blend
Class 046 Mauve or mauve blend
Class 047 Spray, hybrid tea or grandiflora, any color, one stem, two or mor blooms
Class 048 Vase of three hybrid tea or grandiflora, any color, one stem, one bloom per stem
Class 049 Novice, hybrid tea or grandiflora, any color or variety
Class 050 Classic and modern, one bloom, no Austin roses
Class 051 Classic and modern, one spray with two or more blooms, no Austin roses
Class 052 Austin rose, any variety hybridized by David Austin, one bloom
Class 053 Austin rose, any variety hybridized by David Austin, one bloom
Class 054 Shrub vase of three, any combination bloom or spray
Class 055 Old Garden Rose as listed by ARS, one bloom or spray with two or more blooms
Class 056 Most fragrant shrub, one bloom (fragrance 70%, quality of bloom 30%)
Class 057 Most fragrant hybrid tea, grandiflora, or floribunda, one bloom, no side buds (fragrance 70%, quality of bloom 30%)
Class 058 Single petal variety (4-8 petals, or classified as single by ARS), any color, one bloom, no miniature or miniflora
Class 059 Single petal variety (4-8 petals, or classified as single by ARS), any color, one spray with two or more blooms, no miniature or miniflora
Class 060 Large flowered climbers as listed by ARS, one bloom or spray with two or more open blooms
Class 061 Rose of any Old Garden Rose, Polyantha, shrub, or large flowered climber variety, one bloom or spray with two or more open blooms
Class 062 Polyantha spray, one stem with two or more blooms, any color or variety
Class 063 Fully open hybrid tea, grandiflora, or floribunda, stamens showing. No singles classified by ARS.
Class 064 Unidentified, unknown, unregistered, one bloom with no side buds or spray with two or more blooms
Class 065 Rose in a bowl, any variety without stem, floating in clear water, no miniature or miniflora
Division 4700-4770: Dahlias
Stems on large and medium blooms shall have a minimum length of 12”. Stems on smaller flowers should be proportional. All blooms must have attached dahlia foliage.
Judging Criteria: Color, form, substance, foliage, size, stem, distinctiveness, bloom, and uniformity.
Class 001 Largest quality bloom
Class 002 Smallest quality bloom
Class 003 Formal, 8” and up
Class 004 Informal, 8” and up
Class 005 Cactus, 8” and up
Class 006 Semi-cactus, 8” and up
Class 007 Laciniated, 4” and up
Class 008 Water Lily
Class 009 Ball, 3 ½” and up
Class 010 Mini Ball, 3 ½” and under
Class 011 Pompom, up to 2”
Class 012 Collarette
Class 013 Anemone
Class 014 Orchid/ Orecchiette
Class 015 Peony
Class 016 Single
Class 017 Mignon Single
Class 018 Novelty
Class 019 Stellar
Class 020 Best seedling larger than 6”
Class 021 Most unusual bloom
Class 022 Dahlia in a bowl, larger than 6”
Class 023 Three blooms in a vase, same variety, type, or color, larger than 6”
Class 024 Decorative, any color
Class 025 Bi-Color
Class 026 Flame
Class 027 Light Blend
Class 028 Dark Blend
Class 029 Bronze/ Orange
Class 030 Dark Red
Class 031 Lavender
Class 032 Pink
Class 033 Purple/ Black
Class 034 Red
Class 035 Variegated
Class 036 White
Class 037 Yellow
Class 038 Cactus, any color
Class 039 Bi-Color
Class 040 Flame
Class 041 Light Blend
Class 042 Dark Blend
Class 043 Bronze/ Orange
Class 044 Dark Red
Class 045 Lavender
Class 046 Pink
Class 047 Purple/ Black
Class 048 Red
Class 049 Variegated
Class 050 White
Class 051 Yellow
Class 052 Miniatures, any color
Class 053 Bi-Color
Class 054 Flame
Class 055 Light Blend
Class 056 Dark Blend
Class 057 Bronze/ Orange
Class 058 Dark Red
Class 059 Lavender
Class 060 Pink
Class 061 Purple/ Black
Class 062 Red
Class 063 Variegated
Class 064 White
Class 065 Yellow
Class 066 Best seedling under 4”
Class 067 Best seedling 4-6”
Class 068 Dahlia in a bowl, under 4”
Class 069 Dahlia in a bowl, 4-6”
Class 070 Three blooms in a vase, same variety, type, or color, under 4”
Class 071 Three blooms in a vase, same variety, type, or color, 4-6”
Class 072 Five or more dahlias in a vase, combination mixed, any size, form, or color
Division 4800-4870: Gladiolus
All colors include blends.
Size Classifications: Standard: Florets 4” and taller. Miniature: Florets under 4”.
Judging Criteria: Spike structure, floret color, balance, and floret structure.
Class 001 White or Cream
Class 002 Green
Class 003 Yellow
Class 004 Orange
Class 005 Salmon
Class 006 Pink
Class 007 Red
Class 008 Rose
Class 009 Dark Red
Class 010 Dark Rose
Class 011 Lavender
Class 012 Purple
Class 013 Violet
Class 014 Variegated
Class 015 Smoky
Class 016 Tan or Brown
Class 017 Bi-Color
Class 018 Any other color not listed
Class 019 White or Cream
Class 020 Green
Class 021 Yellow
Class 022 Orange
Class 023 Salmon
Class 024 Pink
Class 025 Red
Class 026 Rose
Class 027 Dark Red
Class 028 Dark Rose
Class 029 Lavender
Class 030 Purple
Class 031 Violet
Class 032 Variegated
Class 033 Smoky
Class 034 Tan or Brown
Class 035 Bi-Color
Class 036 Any other color not listed
Division 4900-4970: Other Specimen Blooms
Anything other than roses, dahlias, or gladiolus applies to this division.
Judging Criteria: Quality, size for variety (not larger than 24” high), and uniqueness
Class 001 Rare bloom
Class 002 Large bloom
Class 003 Small bloom
Class 004 Multi-colored bloom
Class 005 Any bloom in a bowl
Class 006 Succulent bloom
Class 007 Blue bloom
Class 008 Green bloom
Class 009 Pink bloom
Class 010 Purple bloom
Class 011 Lavender bloom
Class 012 Orange bloom
Class 013 Red bloom
Class 014 Rose-colored bloom
Class 015 White bloom
Class 016 Yellow bloom
Class 017 Apricot or coral bloom
Class 018 Most fragrant bloom
Class 019 Most striking bloom
Class 020 Most unusual bloom
Class 021 Any other bloom
Class 022 California native bloom
Class 023 Hydrangea, any variety
Class 024 Lily bloom
Class 025 Geranium or Pelargonium bloom
Class 026 Large leaf, not to exceed 24” in height
Class 027 Small leaf
Class 028 Most unusual leaf
Class 029 Variegated leaf
Class 030 Any other leaf
Class 031 Any color leaf
Class 032 Scented leaf
Class 033 Succulent leaf