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Floral design

The San Diego County Fair's Floral Design Competition is a dazzling showcase of creativity, inviting floral artists and enthusiasts to craft stunning arrangements that captivate and inspire. With categories for all skill levels and themes that challenge your imagination, this competition is the perfect stage to display your talent, gain recognition, and connect with a vibrant community of designers. Whether you're a seasoned florist or a budding enthusiast, join us and let your creativity bloom!

The San Diego County Fair's Floral Design Competition is a dazzling showcase of creativity, inviting floral artists and enthusiasts to craft stunning arrangements that captivate and inspire. With categories for all skill levels and themes that challenge your imagination, this competition is the perfect stage to display your talent, gain recognition, and connect with a vibrant community of designers. Whether you're a seasoned florist or a budding enthusiast, join us and let your creativity bloom!


Exhibitor Meeting Saturday, May 17, 2025, 10am
San Diego County Fair Boardroom
Entry Deadline
Friday, May 30, 2025, 8pm
Entry Deadline for “Bloom & Shine” Division
Friday, June 13, 2025, 5pm
Entry Delivery See show schedule for dates
Fair Dates Wednesday, June 11–Sunday, July 6
(closed Mondays and Tuesdays)
Ribbon Request Deadline Saturday, July 5, 2025
Awards Ceremony Sunday, July 6, 2025, 11am


Exhibitors must be at least 14 years old by the Entry Deadline listed above.


Flower Show Coordinator
San Diego County Fair Entry Office
2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar, CA 92014
Office (858) 792-4207 • Monday-Friday from 10am-4pm

Entry Limit & Fees

Two (2) entries per exhibitor per class, except Division 3000- “Bloom & Shine” Floral Designer Contest, where exhibitors are limited to one entry. Exhibitors may enter as many classes as desired.

Professional Floral Design: $25 per entry
Petite Floral Design: $10 per entry
All other divisions: $20 per entry
Entry fees are payable online with a credit card and are not refundable.


  1. Completion of online entry registration shall be deemed acceptance of all rules. Acceptance includes permission to use your name, photograph, and exhibit for the news media.
  2. Online registration is required in all departments and for one-day contests. Online entries are accepted until 8:00pm (Pacific Time) on the deadline day for online entry registration, unless otherwise stated.
  3. Once registered, the description, title, and price may not be changed. Substitutions will not be allowed. Fair Management is not responsible for errors on entry forms which may lead to elimination or disqualification of an entry.
  4. Processing fees must be paid online at the time of registration. Processing fees are non-refundable.
  5. Exhibitors must be living at the time the entry form and/or online entry is submitted.
  6. All non-livestock entries must be the creative work of the exhibitor (whose name appears on the entry registration), be in good taste, and suitable for family viewing. Fair Management reserves the right to disqualify any entry/exhibit it deems objectionable or not in accordance with competition standards.
  7. If an entry is disqualified after judging is complete, no changes will be made to the status of awards given for other entries.
  8. Exhibitors are responsible for obtaining necessary permission from models and/or to use material in their entry that is considered copyrighted.
  9. No entry will be accepted should the exhibitor describe the conditions under which he/she will exhibit, or the exhibit will be displayed.
  10. Judges are qualified in the medium(s) they are judging. New judges may be chosen each year, and judges may be assigned to different divisions/classes from year to year.
  11. If a coordinator or judge deems an entry to be in the incorrect category, division, class, etc., he or she may direct the Entry Office to move that entry as appropriate. The Entry Office may combine divisions or classes to create an adequate judging pool.
  12. Fair Management reserves the right to limit entries, and display thereof, to facilities available and to cancel any division or class in which, in its judgment, the entries are insufficient to secure adequate competition.
  13. Entries must be delivered on the date(s) and times specified. Entries will not be accepted before or after the stated entry delivery date. All accepted exhibits must remain on display and shall not be removed until the stated entry pick up date. Any exhibit not picked up on the specified date becomes the property of the San Diego County Fair and will be disposed of promptly.
  14. All exhibits are entered and shown at the owner’s risk. Reasonable care will be taken to prevent loss or damage to exhibits, but in no event will the 22nd District Agricultural Association (San Diego County Fair) be responsible for any injury or loss which may occur or for the actions of third parties. Insurance, if desired, should be obtained by the exhibitor at his/her own expense.
  15. Any person who violates any Local, State, or Department rule or displays unethical conduct will forfeit all privileges and premiums and be subject to such penalty as the 22nd District Agricultural Association (San Diego County Fair) may order.
  16. To ensure reliable award notification, exhibitors are responsible for submitting all address, phone number and email address updates promptly in writing to entry@sdfair.com or Entry Department, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar, CA 92014.
  17. Premium money will be paid per the recorded placings in the official judging books rather than the ribbon attached to the exhibit.
  18. Donated Award recipients will be selected per the instructions given on the Donated Award Confirmation Form submitted by the donor.
  19. Premium, donated cash award, and auction checks will be made payable to the exhibitor as listed on the online entry registration. Checks will be mailed within 30 days after the close of the Fair to the address shown on the online entry registration, or as updated by the exhibitor via written notification to the Entry Office. Auction checks may be held longer if the buyer has not paid. Checks not cashed within 6 months from the date of issue will be forfeited. Replacement checks may be subject to a $35 stop payment fee.
  20. The 22nd District Agricultural Association (San Diego County Fair) is required by the Internal Revenue Service to report any premiums paid totaling the amount of $600 or more. Exhibitors may be required to submit a W-9 form.
  21. The 22nd District Agricultural Association management reserves the right to amend or add to these rules; the 22nd District Agricultural Association (San Diego County Fair) assumes no liability or responsibility not herein expressed.

California State Rules apply and are available here.

Fair Tickets

Each exhibitor will receive two (2) Exhibitor Access Passes per week they participate, up to eight (8) tickets total per exhibitor.



Wednesday, June 11 4050 4005 4205 4500 ---
Saturday, June 14 4055 4010 4210 4501 ---
Wednesday, June 18 4060 4015 4215 4502 ---
Saturday, June 21 4065 4020 4220 4503 ---
Wednesday, June 25 4070 4025 4225 4504 ---
Saturday, June 28 4075 4030 4230 4505 3000
Wednesday, July 2 4080 4035 4235 4506 ---
Saturday, July 15 4085 4040 4240 4507 ---

How to Enter

  1. After reading all entry materials, click the “Enter Now” link below to go to the ShoWorks Entry Homepage.
  2. Register as an Exhibitor.
  3. Select the appropriate division and class and input the required information. (See “Divisions and Classes” below for a list of all divisions and classes.)
  4. Review your entry before completing registration to ensure that you have entered the correct division and class for each entry.
  5. Click the check-out button and pay for all entries.
  6. Read the confirmation statement and type YES. Do not click multiple times, as it will charge you each time.

If you plan to make changes to your entries or need to leave ShoWorks at any time, SAVE YOUR CART before exiting out.

For additional help with entering, review this detailed step-by-step guide: Entry Tutorial

Still have questions?
Please call or
email the Entry Office.
Phone: (858) 792-4207 • Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm

Entry Delivery and Pick Up

After registration, exhibitors will receive an email with detailed delivery instructions, including a map for accessing the Fairgrounds. Floral designs must be delivered on the day of the show between 6:00 AM and 9:00 AM. Alternatively, exhibitors may set up their entries the day prior to the show by appointment only. To schedule an appointment, please contact the Flower Show Coordinator.

Designs and containers may be picked up during the delivery time for the following show or during entry pick up for the last show. Any items not picked up after the entry pick up date become property of the Fair.

How to Prepare Your Entry for the Show

The San Diego County Fair will prepare and provide all entry tags, which exhibitors will receive during check-in on the day of the show. Exhibitors are responsible for bringing their own tools and any materials necessary for finalizing the display of their designs. Upon completion of set-up, exhibitors must ensure all areas are clean and free of debris. Entries that are not properly constructed or maintained may be deemed ineligible, and premiums may be withheld.

Floral arrangements will remain on display until the evening before the next show: entries from Wednesday will be displayed through Friday night, while Saturday's entries will remain on display until Sunday night.

Design Guidelines:

  • Plant Materials: Cut fruit is not permitted. Artificial plant materials and/or dyed fresh plant material are allowed only as accents. Unless otherwise specified as “dry,” designs must include fresh plant materials. For “dry” classes, only dried materials may be used.
  • Accessories and Props: Accessories are allowed but must not overshadow the creative use of fresh and/or dried floral and plant materials in expressing the theme or interpretation.
  • Containers: Use of more than one container is permitted. All containers and accessories should be labeled with the owner’s name and phone number. Valued items, such as heirlooms, are discouraged. Hangers are not provided.
  • Business Cards: Exhibitors may provide business cards in a tray or holder placed near their arrangements. Cards will be displayed by Fair staff after judging is complete.

Judging and Awards

The Paul Ecke Jr. Flower Show follows the American judging system. All judging will be conducted anonymously in a closed session with no exhibitors present. The judges' decisions are final. Failure to adhere to this rule may result in disqualification.

See Division descriptions for division-specific judging information. Results will be posted on the San Diego County Fair’s website two weeks following the last day of the Fair. Exhibitors wanting ribbons must notify the Flower Show office by the deadline listed above. Award checks will be mailed within 30 days after the Fair closes.

The following will be awarded in each class:

Amateur Floral Design

1st Place

$100 and Ribbon

2nd Place

$75 and Ribbon

3rd Place

$50 and Ribbon

Professional Floral Design

1st Place

$175 and Ribbon

2nd Place

$150 and Ribbon

3rd Place

$125 and Ribbon

Petite Floral Design

1st Place

$35 and Ribbon

2nd Place

$25 and Ribbon

3rd Place

$15 and Ribbon

Wedding Floral Design

1st Place

$100 and Ribbon

2nd Place

$75 and Ribbon

3rd Place

$50 and Ribbon

Sweepstakes Awards

Sweepstakes Awards will be presented in Amateur, Professional, Petite and Wedding Floral Design Divisions. The award will be presented to the exhibitor earning the highest total amount of premiums earned in each of these Divisions.

Trophy and Rosette

“Bloom & Shine” Floral Designer Contest

1st Place

$100 and Ribbon

2nd Place

$75 and Ribbon

Floral Design Divisions and Classes

Amateur Floral Design

Classes are open to amateur floral designers, defined as individuals with various levels of experience who practice floral design as a hobby rather than as a source of income. This includes hobbyists, students, and others who adhere to the floral design principles and guidelines established by the National Garden Clubs, Inc.
Size and Material Limits:
  • Dimensions:
    • UPDATED — Arrangements must not exceed 48" in height or 20" in diameter, including the container.
    • There is no minimum height or width requirement.
    • Display tables measure 20.5" square and stand 42" from the floor.
  • Materials:
    • Artificial plant materials are not permitted.
    • Fresh plant materials are required for all classes unless designated as “dry.”
    • Dry or treated plant materials may be used in classes not labeled as “dry.”
    • “Dry” classes must only feature dried plant materials, which may be treated or painted.
Judging Criteria: Theme interpretation (25 points), design principles and elements (25 points), technical execution and mechanics (15 points), creativity (25 points), and flower quality (10 points).

Division 4050- Exhibited June 11

Class 001 Paws and Petals- Dry
Class 002 Seasonal Charm

Division 4055- Exhibited June 14

Class 003 Walk in the Wild
Class 004 Center of Attention

Division 4060- Exhibited June 18

Class 005 Aquarium Blooms
Class 006 Tropical Paradise

Division 4065- Exhibited June 21

Class 007 Kaleidoscope of Dreams
Class 008 Coastal Breeze- Dry

Division 4070- Exhibited June 25

Class 009 Feathers and Fronds
Class 010 Sweet and Simple

Division 4075- Exhibited June 28

Class 011 Monochromatic Magic
Class 012 High Contrast- Dry

Division 4080- Exhibited July 2

Class 013 Stars and Stripes Forever
Class 014 Lemonade Stand

Division 4085- Exhibited July 5

Class 015 Whiskers in Bloom- Dry
Class 016 Evening at the Fair

Professional Floral Design

Classes are open to professional floral designers, defined as individuals who engage in any aspect of the floral industry as a portion of their livelihood rather than as a hobby.
Size and Material Limits:·
  • Dimensions:
    • UPDATED — Arrangements must not exceed 48" in height or 20" in diameter, including the container.
    • There is no minimum height or width requirement.
    • Display tables measure 20.5" square and stand 42" from the floor.·
  • Materials:
    • Artificial plant materials are not permitted.oFresh plant materials are required for all classes unless designated as “dry.”
    • Dry or treated plant materials may be used in classes not labeled as “dry.”
    • “Dry” classes must only feature dried plant materials, which may be treated or painted.
Judging Criteria: Theme interpretation (25 points), design principles and elements (25 points), technical execution and mechanics (15 points), creativity (25 points), and flower quality (10 points).

Division 4005- Exhibited June 11

Class 001 Nature Reimagined- Dry
Class 002 Carnival of Color

Division 4010- Exhibited June 14

Class 003 Whiskers in Bloom
Class 004 Monochromatic Masterpiece

Division 4015- Exhibited June 18

Class 005 The Art of Minimalism
Class 006 Seasonal Charm

Division 4020- Exhibited June 21

Class 007 Feathers and Fronds—Dry
Class 008 Tropical Paradise

Division 4025- Exhibited June 25

Class 009 Symphony of Scents
Class 010 Evening at the Fair

Division 4030- Exhibited June 28

Class 011 Aquarium Blooms
Class 012 Kaleidoscope Dream—Dry

Division 4035- Exhibited July 2

Class 013 Fireworks in Bloom
Class 014 Dynamic Dimensions—Dry

Division 4085- Exhibited July 5

Class 015 Paws and Petals
Class 016 Center of Attention

PetitE Floral Design

Classes are open to any designer.

Size and Material Limits:
  • Dimensions:
    • Arrangements must not exceed 5" in height or 5" in diameter, including the container. There is no minimum height requirement.
    • Backdrops and underlays are allowed, but the design should be proportionate to the size of the backdrop, if used.
    • Arrangements will be displayed on a shelf positioned at approximately eye level for optimal viewing.
  • Materials:
    • Artificial plant materials are not permitted. oFresh plant materials are required for all classes unless designated as “dry.”
    • Dry or treated plant materials may be used in classes not labeled as “dry.”
    • “Dry” classes must only feature dried plant materials, which may be treated or painted.
Judging Criteria: Distinction in design, proportion, scale, and quality of plant materials. Petites are judged according to the floral design principles and guidelines established by the National Garden Clubs, Inc.

Division 4205- Exhibited June 11

Class 001 Simplistic Symmetry
Class 002 Tail Feathers—Dry

Division 4210- Exhibited June 14

Class 003 Farmer's Market Fresh
Class 004 Carnival of Colors

Division 4215- Exhibited June 18

Class 005 Wild at Heart
Class 006 Island Breeze—Dry

Division 4220- Exhibited June 21

Class 007 Barnyard Beauty
Class 008 Dynamic Duo

Division 4225- Exhibited June 25

Class 009 Golden Glow—Dry
Class 010 Desert Sunrise

Division 4230- Exhibited June 28

Class 011 Timeless Romance
Class 012 Purrfect Posies

Division 4235- Exhibited July 2

Class 013 Summer Picnic
Class 014 Rustic Americana

Division 4285- Exhibited July 5

Class 015 Endless Summer—Dry
Class 016 Garden Party

Wedding Floral Design

Classes are open to any designer.

Size and Material Limits:
  • Dimensions:
    • There are no size limitations for arrangements.
    • Accessories, backdrops, and underlays are encouraged to enhance the design but must not dominate or overshadow the floral arrangement.
    • Arrangements will be displayed on a 24” square tabletop.
  • Materials:
    • Artificial plant materials are not permitted.
    • Fresh, dry, or treated plant materials may be used.
Judging Criteria: Distinction in design, proportion, scale, and quality of plant materials. Petites are judged according to the floral design principles and guidelines established by the National Garden Clubs, Inc.

Division 4500- Exhibited June 11

Class 001 Altarpieces
Class 002 Guestbook or Buffet Table DĂ©cor

Division 4501- Exhibited June 14

Class 003 Aisle Arrangements
Class 004 Cake Flowers

Division 4502- Exhibited June 18

Class 005 Boutonnieres
Class 006 Crowns

Division 4503- Exhibited June 21

Class 007 Corsages
Class 008 Wearable Floral Art

Division 4504- Exhibited June 25

Class 009 Bride's Bouquet, any style
Class 010 Hand-tied Bouquet

Division 4505- Exhibited June 28

Class 011 Attendant's Bouquet, any style
Class 012 Cascade Bouquet

Division 4506- Exhibited July 2

Class 013 Tall Centerpiece on a Round Table
Class 014 Suspended Centerpieces

Division 4507- Exhibited July 5

Class 015 Floral Runners or Garlands
Class 016 Low Centerpiece on a Round Table

“Bloom & Shine” Floral Designer Contest

Description: Participants must pre-enter. Contestants will be given specific directions for day of fair attendance. At the time of the contest, each designer will receive a bucket of flowers and plant materials, a container, and floral designing medium (Oasis foam, chickenwire, etc). The theme of the design will then be presented and designers will have the opportunity to construct an arrangement.The specified amount of time will be given at registration the day of the competition and will be based off of the size of the design as well as the skill-level of the participants.

Tools: Participants must provide their own arrangement tools (knives, scissors, clippers, etc.). In addition, participants may bring any special tools or hard good accessories (ribbon, candles, ornaments, driend plant material, etc) they may want to use in their design. No additional soft goods or any perishable materials (live plants, fruit, cut flowers, etc) will be allowed.

Eligibility: See Class descriptions for eligibility requirements.

Judging Criteria: Theme interpretation, design principles and elements, technical execution and mechanics, creativity, and use of materials will be used in scoring the designs.

Division 3000- Saturday, June 28

Class 001 Professionals as defined elsewhere in these entry materials
Class 002 Amateurs as defined elsewhere in these entry materials
Class 003 Students, who may be enrolled in a high school, vocational, community college, or university program.


Download Competition Guide

All Local and State Rules apply.


Sincere and heartfelt thanks to these partners
Walter Andersen Nursery
Agri Service by Waste Management
Thank you to these generous donors:
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